Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

222 DI-Y Front Row: D. Goldman, K. Johnson, D. Elbert, P. Holtzbeng, B. Daley, T. McKnew, D. Powell, L. Fowler, J. Wright, J. Stein, J. Stein, F. McLaughlin, S. Adams, A. Hiestand. Second Row: S. Schneider, W. Orr, E. Tatge, R. Zeender, R. Mullett, S. McLaughlin, D. Ford, R. Ganim, D. Robey, T. Cammermeyer, W. Robey, H. Palmer, J. Kohlha s, J. Hoveland. Third Row: A. Bradshaw, .A. Reichman, G. Leet, C. Denney, K. !organ, B. Dale, R. Malstrom, T. Gall, . Fox, W. Yoemans, R. Collins, L. Whyte. Hi-Y Boys Govern Maryland For a Day Hi-Y member "governed" the tate of Maryland when the} ran the tate legi lature in Annapoli through the Y 1CA' 'Youth and Government" program. Treating chil– dren at Junior Villarre to monthly outing and partie wa Hi-Y' major ervice project. Member of the boys' ervice club took group of the children to mu eums and the zoo. To repleni h the club' trea ury during the year, the boy old candy and Viking doll . SENIOR TRI-HI-Y Front Row: Y. lcbinose, B. Gardiner, E. Mil– ler, P. McAuley, G. Honeycutt, J. Presley, L. Porter, B. Yost, C. Diamond, C. Hoge, B. McEwan. Second Row: B. Donaldson, R. Robinson, L. Hoddinott, S. Jeffery, R. Stavisky, I. Redlin, I. Lanzano, J. Lawson, L. Bradley, D. Wolfe, B. Schubauer. Third Row: J. Patter· ervice by the enior Tri-Hi-Y benefited all age group~ . The club gave a Chri tma party for Head tart pupil at Travillah Elementary chool anq caroled for patient at the Wa hington Home for the Incurable . erving American abroad meant baking cookie for a U. . battalion in Viet– nam. 'The girl ' recreational activitie were potluck upper , a swimming party with Hi-Y, and a trip to Rehoboth Beach in May. son, K. McGrane, C. errin, 1\I. Phelps, D. Hummel, S. Hatfield, D. Barrett, K. Bugg, S. Prete, P. Rawlins, J. Lorenz, C. Crosby, C. Rixey, D. Powers. Fourth Row: K. Pollard, B. Marlow, T. Nelson, P. Bran tead, D. Baker, S. Riley, P. Constantine, R. Surles, J. Bartlett, D. Co ton, L. Pierce, T. Wood, P. 1umford, C. Lippitt.