Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

232 Student Hobbies Include Bridge, Chess, Stamp enthu ia t, Fred·Astiz, examines a Texas commemorative. "Is this a Lower Slobbovian Shtoonk or a Zanzibar commemorative?" questions stamp enthusia t Fred A tiz. Contemplating a ' icilian defeat' for hi opening move, Barry Goulding devises a complex trategy to stump his opponent, as Jack Fleming watche attentivelr. The Caplan- heinwold Bidding y tern the Blackwood Convention, and the trateay behind an unu ual no-trump overcall often bewildered the beginning Bridge Club member. To enlighten the beginning player, the officer of the club gave lecture on the convention of bridae. Dur· ing the weekly meetina , member exchanaed hand in Duplicate Bridge or formed new hand in Rubber Bridcre. Chosen becau e of their high core in everal gam , iaht of the best player competed with other school in the Montaomery County Bridge League. Although a ingle hand might la t only eiaht minute , the interschool tournaments, which were u ually held at Whitman, la ted through ix– teen hand of bridge. Indian Head pennie , teel coin , and gold piece . ' ere orne of the unu ual coin traded and tudied by men;tber of the Coin Club. Collection encompa ed not only American coin but a] o coin from all o er the world. Tin coin and ring- haped piece in the member ' collection were example of currency u ed in other countrie . Even after Whitman had clo ~d for the night member of the Che Club continued to move their che men in lengthy games over the telephone. On Friday afternoon and in the morning before chool, Viking checked in at Whitman "'to play on the twenty ches set , ix GO board , and the Wiff 'n Proof board. Determined by a pla -off in the fall, the five be t ches player competed in informal chool tournaments throughout the Wa hington area. BRIDGE CLUB Front Row: I. Ash, R. Gould, C. Hamill human, 0. Gelman, M. Delaplaine, R. Blackman, P. Cre W. Leonard, S. heriff, B. Goulding. Secorul Row: B. G. Cahn, B. Kominer, J. Ko££man, M. Gelman, S. Brown, D.