Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Assemblies and Pep Rallies Highlight Odin overcome hi hyn when he i encouraged by the loud cheers of the enior cla and their Go-Go girl, Eileen Jacob . Uncle Sam can wait-Dr. haw wants YOU! In Tovemher two a emblie of dramatically different form and content pre ented the tudent body with unu ual topic of di u ion. A dramatic pro am entitled ' A Mornincr' Fro t ' com– bined the talent of the choru , orch tra, and the art of literature and dance to pre ent a cro - ection of poetry by Robert Fro t. r ater in the month General Lewi B. Her hey di cu ed a ubject very clo e to hicrh chool tudents-the el clive ervice y tem. 1ore qualified to peak about the draft than any other man, G neral Her hey aa e a hort talk about the sy tern under hi direction. To brina out the detail con– cerning pe ific point of intere t, a panel of four tud nt then gave General Her hey the chance, a he phra ed it, to "an wer que lion , avoid them or talk about oil con erva– tion." Robin Hood on e aO'ain roamed the hill of h rwoo,d For t, thi time outwitting the heriff of ottinaham in the Viking crym. On the e e of the football aame again t the herwood Blue D vii , enthu ia tic fan booed the vii enemy and che red the heroic Vikinrr . Unfortunately the "good auy don't alway win," and Whitman wa defeated on the football field the next day. Undaunted by the imperfect record of the team, the cheer– leader and pom-pon planned a eri of pep ralli to arou e pirit in the Viking upporter . ' Iontaomery Coun– ty Only peak Loudly" tarted off the football ea on, en– couraO'ing Whitmanite to cheer for their team. "Go go" girl repre enting each cla re ponded to the cheer of their cla male.