Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

238 Guidance Assistants Deliver Messages E lOR GUIDANCE OFFICE A I TANT Front Row: J. Lardner, C. Diamond, E. Winkler, C. Race, A. Mendelsohn, .M. Rodi Bailey tries in vain to find the records of Fleming, Virgil in th guidance o££ice files. Patrick, L. Ge ow, M. Li, H. Ri hty. Second Row: L. Ho~dinott, S. ~an· ey, J. Hamilton, . Resnick, B. Marlow, J. Elsten, S. Hat£1eld, T. Lebhng. "You may e your on s counselor two weeks from Friday at 7:45," answer Colleen Brady on the guidance offic phone.