Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Practicing for the Chri tma A embly, Advanced Chorus members har– monize to " fagnum My terium" a Latin church song. BOY CHOR Front Row: . ol , R. hendell, D. Petrou, D. Craig, S. Sutherland, E. Sawitz, W. Haney, M. Brockway, B. Fischer, R. Cordtz, D. Rich. Second Row: J. Adair, B. Burns, R. Lafsky, B. Pumphrey, . ppelbaum, B. An on, C. tephen , B. Walli , S. Bell, Advanced Chorus Vyincr with roarina train for the attention of the crowd , the Ad anc d Choru ang Chri tma carol at Union Sta– tion. A part of the arne holiday project the choru caroled on the Ellip e at the nation' Paaeant of Peace. The Advanced Choru went to a midwinter performance of "La Traviata" ung in Enali hat the ational Theater. Joining the choru e of Pyle and W tern Junior Hiah , the Advanced Chorus participated in a day of mu ic. A fir t place rating was awarded to the choru at Catholic Univer ity in 1966, and a high rating in point wa awarded by Maryland Uni er ity. Meetinrr in the mornina with Mr. M ick, the Boys' Choru on Friday and the Girl ' Choru on Tue day , stu– dent learned to incr in en emhle. To exhibit the result of month of practice, the choru e performed for the tudent body at the Chri tma A embly. In the prina of 1966 the hoy won a fir t place ratina at the Catholic Univer ity Choral Festival and the girl ' on a third place rating. Mu ic director in Mr. George fe ick' absence, Mr. Jeffrey Simon conduct the Advanced Choru with hi pencil. D. Rummell, T. Morri. Third Row: C. Lowe, V. Boggus, D. Robey, C. John on, I. Robert , C. Ward, E. Tatge, E. Gunberg, P. fcFadden, ]. StaurelL Fourth Row: ]. Reifsnyder, M. Ostrom, J. Lanahan, S. Loftn , R. Fox, D. chmehl, R. Zeender, f. Fox, B. Wood, R. Bayer