Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

National Merit Semifinalists Sharon Anderson Joseph Elman Frederick Cisin Fred Feller Emily Cohen David Gilmartin Michael Cohen Mary Greer Gregory Cox John Hoover Winifred de Palma Kathryn Karo Robert Lafsky *National Merit Scholar As an aid to fellow student , National Honor Society members offer an academic tutoring service. *Jonathan Levy Jan Slavin Karen McCabe *Patrick Sullivan William McFadden Robert Wallace *Eleanor Miller *Leslie Walleigh *Robert Miller Nancy]. Webb Lawrence Murrell Warnie Webster Margaret Rawitz Anthony White Bubble gum philo opher Sharon Anderson ponders the intricacies of being a 1 ational ferit Semifinalist. School, Nation Honor Outstanding Students Sixty enior became member of the National Honor Society in January, joining the original thirty-five inducted the previou May. Then, after a period of investigation, a selected committee of students, parent , and faculty decided to di continue Whitman's chapter of the Honor Society. Three main factors influenced the deci ion: Whitman of· fered other awards for outstanding students; the existing chapter wa too large to function a a club; and about one– third of the Senior c1ass was academically qualified. In a school a large as Whitman, teachers could not know stu– dent well enough to judge fairly leader hip character, and service. Confirming Whitman's reputatiqn as a school of high academic standing, twenty-seven Seniors were selected as Na– tional Merit emifinali ts. The ational Merit Corporation recognized the superior achievement of tudent who on the qualifying test scored in the upper two percent of each state. After emifinalists submitted biographical and financial information the Corporation announced Merit finalist and Scholar hip awards. 249