Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Brian Ro e look horrified a the Devil announce his sent nee. A Unique Dimension In Modern Drama nder the able dir ction of Mi Monica McMinde , hell became a ivid reality in Whitman fieldhou . In The Fire– bugs, wi pia wriaht Max Fri ch created a h entieth cen– tury morality play, ubtitled "A L arning Play Without a L on.' A comic allerrory it wa the tale of Mr. and Mr . George llman who knowingly lodged a trio of ar oni t in their attic. Revealing a unique dimen ion in modern drama, Lhe play left the audience to ponder the irony of man' fate. ~People don't believe in Cod any more-they believe in the Fire Department," ing choru member Bill Dale. "Do you want me to tart the fire o( hell, bo. ?" d mands Pete Lohu of the devil. 23