Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

268 Murray, Mro. Susan 93 Murrell, Lawrence 29, 141, 211' 231, 227, 249, 251 !l!uoher, Andrea 33, 39, 172, 200, 201, 210, 221 1\luobinoki, Mro. Ruth 93 Music Department 105 ruokie, Stephen 141 N aden, Candace 79, 141, 210, 243, 218 Naden, David 190, 244 Nagel, Mrs. Gene 90 Nahme, Larke 75, 190 'ardini, Helen 190, 202 ordini, Kathleen 172, 228 Nathan, Richard 172, 200, 210, 215 Nathanson, Patricia 93, 142, 198, 217, 241, 248, 262 National French Honor Society 254 National Honor Society 2<l8 National Merit Scholars 249 National Spanish Honor Society 249 National Thespians 253 Neam, Anthony 172, 235 Neam, Renee 172, 228 Needham, Mary 142, 226, 239 Netnen, Fred 142 Nefz.ger, Tri1tram 172 Neher, Elirabeth 190 NeiJson, Boonie l9fJ Neiloon, Robert 142 Nelson, Mr. Gerald 82, 86, 87 Neloon, Sandy 142 ehon, Terry! 142, 200, 222, 243 eobitt, Debra 172 Neuochel, Krioteo 190, 210, 22~ Nevo, Michael 172 Ne..,.man, Janioe 172, 210 Newman, Michael 48, 190 'ewmaa, Thomu 60, 6~, 172, 235 Newpher, Erik 64, H2 Neyman, Andrew 60, 142 Nicholo, lr. Charleo C., Jr., 98 Mike Conn leads the APS wandering minstrels in a rousing rendition of "Silent Night". Nichola, Robert 45, 173, 234, 245 Nicholo, Roy 45, 46, 55, 70, 142 Nicboloon, Sharon 190, 202, 226 Nicka, Janet 190, 223, 243 Nisewaner, Mr. Terrell 69, 97 Nogucbai, Mary 173, 252 Nonnemacher, Mallhew 102, 142 Noonan, George 190 Noonan, Vicloria 190 North, Jeanette 190, 20.1 Norum, Linda 190, 202, 2~3 orwood, Stephen 173, 233 Notarianni, Edith 142 Nurney, D..id 173 Nurney, William 142 0 Oberndorf, Lucy 143, 200, 224 Obst, Henry 67, 173, 223 Ochiltree, Catheriu 190, 223 O'Connell, Thomas 143 O'Connor, Michael 173 Odebrecht, Hannelore 173 Office Assistant. 239 Ogden, Janel 173 O'Hearn, Charles I~ Oliphant, {cKenzio 66, 67, 173 Olive, John 143 Olive, Kent 93, 201, 244 Oliver, Mark 45, 143, 248, 251 Oliver, Richard 173 Olivier, Lisa 190 0' eal, Melinda 75, 173, 223, 243, 253 Oram, Karen 173, 252 Oranburg, Philip 173, 198, 199, 214, 218, 245 0 rchestra 24 6 Orleans, Ronald 190, 244 Orr, William 173, 222 Osgood, Dean 190 Ostrom, Marc 58, 190, 242 Ostrom, Robert 55, 1~ Otten, Laura 173", 202, 208, 219 Overend, Anna-Marie 173, 20\ p Paananen, Peder 190 Paddon, Deborah 190 Pagan, Ronne 173, 223 Page, Elizabeth 143, 243 Page, Robert 61, 65 Paine, Edith 143, 252 Paine, Ruth 173 Palmer, Henry 191, 201, 202, 222 Palmer, Thomas 171 Palmisano, Alice 71, 173, 200 Pampillonia, L.,da 173, 201 Papanicolao, Vicky 173 Pappao, Delle 191, 203 Pappu, Peter 173 Papps, Cbri topber 143 Park, Katherine 191 Parnell, Diane 191, 202, 203 Parnell, Patricia 173, 241 Pates, Robert 113 Patrick, lllichele 173, 238 Patteroon, Glenn 191, 198, 210, 237' 24l Palterson, Jacqueline 14-3, 222 Pauley, ed 191 Paulsen, Jean 160, 173, 203, 226 Puton, Peter 52, 70, 173 Payoe, Jacqueline 191, 210 Payne, Janice 143, 200, 210, 248, 255 Payne, Patricia 78, 79, 85, 173 Payton, Jooepb 144 Pearson, Dooald 173 Pearoon, Thereoa 173, 202, 223, 226 Pecora, William 144 Peizer, tichael 191 Pembertoo, William 191 Pep Club 81 Pendleton, John 173 Peratioo, faria 174, 254 Perlmutter, Marc 17-l Peroons, Martha 174, 223 Perusse, Dawn 30, 75, 191 Pet•rs. Mary Ann 171, 226, 252 Peters, Mr. Ronnie 107 Peteroon, Kathryn 60, 61, 174, 269 Peter on, Mark 1 l5, 60, 70, 174 Petrou, David 11, Jol4, 242 Petti.o, Robert 191 Petzal, hirley 191 Pfeiffer, Claudine 191, 203 Pfoutz, Mark 141 Phelpo, Cheryl 171 l'helpo, Jean 30, 188, 191, 223, 2~3 Phelpo, Mary Ann 30, 76, 77, 134, 141, 222, 243, 284 Philbin, Josephine 174, 237, 252 Phillipo, Da•id 191 Phillipa, Stephen J<U Phillips, William 45, 61, 174, 253 Photo Vikes 233 Physical Education Department 107 Pierce Laurie 141, 222 Pierpoint, Eric 50, 61, 66, 61, 70, 191 Pincus, Carol 191, 226 Pinkerton, ~£argare1 141, 228, 251 Pinkuo, Arthur 60, 61, 191 Pinkus, Eric 101, 111 Pitta, Barbara IN Plummer, John 17<l Pollack, Andrew 69, 191, 198, 233 Pollack, Catherine 191, 237 Pollard, fary 111, 222, 144, 248 Pollio, Richard 174 Pollio, Robert 31, 67, 166, 174 Porn Pons 78, 79 Pond, John I<U Pope, Georgia 191, 194, H3 Popp1ewel, Jame 191 Porten, Linda 144, 226 Porter, Joan 1•U, 210, 215, 2~3 Porter, Marylynn 79, 145, 217, 222, 239, 261 Porter, Su11an 117 Porter, Thomoo 245 Posin, Carry 191 Pool, Franklin l<IS Poll, Jordan 131, 231 Post, Ronald 174, 23l Powell, Douglas 145, 201, 216, 222 Powell, Nancy 191, 223, 243 Powell, Paul 171 Powers, Dorothr 145, 222 Prather, Donald 4S, 174 Pratt, Cynthia 191, 223 Pratt, Sunn 115 Prechtet, Gail 81, 174, 231 Preocott, Heleo 191, 223 Preoley, Joan 79, 145, 222, 243 Pre , Stephen 174, 201, 218 Preuesky, Joho 145, 237 Prete, Donna 145, 222 Price, John 28 Price, Linda 191, 203 Price, William 191 Pruner, Chris 191 Public Addres! Announcers 215 Pumphrey, Robert 174, 198, 242. 243, 215 Pusey, Janet 191 Pyle, Jame1 191 Pyle. John M, 145, 23~ Q Quill and Scroll 250 Quinto, Lisa 81, 174 R Rabb, Gail 191, 202, 203 Rabin, Mark 191 Rabinow, Clare 17•1, 202, 201, 210, 239 Racusin. Cary 171, 177, 201, 218, 2-U, 246 Rader, Richard 50, 63, 191, 2U Radulnvic, Adrienne 191, 223 Rallerty, Jlfargarel 77, 174, 217 Ranram, Nirmals 115 Roles, Steven 48, 58, 191 Rankin, Katherine 174, 2·13 Ransom, Linda 174, 223, 226, 213