Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

uffering the agonie of dealing with a telephone operator, Richard Cordtz di cover that he may a well be a r cording. Lucille Huddleston hrilly decries the public scandal caused by naked animals while Tony White as Joe College fervently proclaims his patriotism. Me age from enior girl to nior ho} : "Where the hoy are . . . Sure ain't Whitman High!" lament the Vikette.. Audience· Socl<ed "Thi i Sparky Marky from WARP radio, the sock-out tation with the knock-out vibration"; larc Jacob pours on the Hot Sauce. WARP radio OJ' parky farky and Marvelou Marty wi ecrack about life at Whitman.