Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

:\fatche mix and mingle to the mu ic of the Zebe and the Showmen at the Computer Date Dance. ~~Ideal'' Dates Meet At Computer Dance Computer card erved a admi n tkkct at the door. Do ou on~ ider )OUr, elf ideali tic or practical? lmpul ive or organized? Whitman tudent pond r d qu tion like th e, indicated their an w r on comput r data form , and ubmitted the f rm to be proce d by ·a omputer at the ni\'er ity of :\'laryland. Form w re al o ubmitt d b tu– dent from Walter 1 ohn on and ~Iontgomery Blair. Th re· ult: i ntificall matched 'ideal' date for Whitman ec– ond annual omputer Date Dance. oul mu ic wa provided by the Zeb and the howmen. Profit from the GA– pon ored function were plit among the three choo] . omputer at the niver,.ity of l\Iar}land matched data form from hit man, Blair, and Walt r John on.