Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

SWIM CLUB First Row: J. Hoffman, A. Pollack, C. Goldwater, P. Martin,]. Sampson, A. Litman, ]. Wright. Second Row: R. Dembling, R. Schendell, J. Stowell, J. Schwartzman, J. Kramer, J. Davidson, Mr. i ewaner. Third Row: D. Will, R. Collins, S. Arey, T. Uerena, W. Woo, L. Wagman, R. Tackels, F. McLaughlin. Fourth Row: D. Wal– lace, R. Baker, E. Kennehan, C. Marmor, M. Melnicove, M. Waksberg, R. Simmons, J. Zubrod. Vikings Schuss and Splash During Winter Though the weather repeatedly failed to cooperate, Ski Club members continued to wax their skis and exchange skiing techniques throughout the winter. Always hopeful, they waited patiently for a surpri e blizzard to land them all at Charnita for a blissful weekend of skiing. . Pacing themselves with split-second timing, the Viking swimmer earned themselves and the school an enviable record by winning aU but one of their meets. The members practiced teadi1y at rented pools to improve their team swimming and their individual skills in various strokes and dives. Mr. Terrell i ewaner, a new faculty member and experienced swimming instructor, coached the team. Since mo t schools in the Montgomery County AA league did not have swim teams, Whitman's team did not have varsity statu . But in March, the team won the Washington area Inter chola tic Meet. SKI CLUB First Row: K. Grunley, R. Stavisky. L. Harrison, R. Fergu· son, J. Hirshberg, P. Wink1er, K. Lewis, T. Shigemasu, E. Hirase, L. Beaumariage, K. Lanahan Second Row: C. Goldwater, T. Cutler, H. Rishty, K. Trout, R. Gasperow, J. Galblum, B. Solomon, M. Morton, J. Schneider, l\1. Showalter, K. Reiiman, S. Hardy, N. Johnson, R. With grace and precision Barbie Englehart executes a back dive. Levine Third Row: L Kirstein, D. Hummel, G. Hokanson, J. Galblum, S. Resnick, E. Sullivan, L. Koller, L. Gutheil, S. Haney, R. lves, K. Shiozawa, B. Loubert Fourth Row: D. Fuchs, G. Friedman, S. Lyman, P. Hunt, G. Browne, B. Andrew, S. Loftness, H. Lewis, R. Steele, R. Smith, T. Yoder, J. Booth.