Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

Sports For Points Proceed from a volleyball game which pitted tudent leader and cheerleaders against the faculty provided the main ource of income for the Girl ' Sport As ociation. enior boys led the tudent in cheering for the game. Birdies flew after school in the pring when badminton replaced archery this year on the li t of intramurals spon– ored by GSA. From field hockey in the fall to tennis in the pring, a port wa available for any girl at Whibnan who wanted to have fun or to earn one hundred point toward a four-hundred-point GSA badge. Robin Kaplan tap the ball out o( bound . G.S.A. members listen to Barbara Hay list the new intramural rules. With no train, Emily Kelly prepare to spike the volleyball. Jan 1izell goe for the rebound in a practice drill.