Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

MR. ARMEN M. RAGE ur · M dical Car ers Oub' MR • HILDA M. NANCE urse' Aid lUR • LINDA Kl Hearing Th rapi t Ml GAILE YKE pe ch Therapi t "... and sudd nly in. the middle of the test all of us got a terrible headache," explain Sheryl Kline, drienne Tru l and Janice Arm trong. "Mommy alway ki e it to make it bell r," Doug Arnold inform Mr . armen Hage. Health Staff Tests Eyes, Ears, Emotions "P, R, T, Q Z M, E, D ..." echoed aero s the health· room a Whitman' nur e and her aide li tened to hundreds of Viking chant their way through the e e chart . Main– taining individual health record for over 2,000 students meant ear a ' ell a e e examination . Clenched fi ts opened and clo ed in re pon e to ound conveyed by the hearing te t headphone ·. The gr ater amount of te ting wa done not by the nur e but by a p cially trained team workina in the B the da area for the Montgomery County chool y tern. B ide ending home tudent crippled with uch in- firmitie a earache and prained finger , Mrs. Cannen Hag and her aide Mr . Hilda ance ol ed health prob– lem .confrontina teacher and coun elor in both cia room and oun ling circum tance . tudent with hearing impainn nt worked with therapi t li Gaile k to impro-.e lip-reading proficiency and ability to recognize ound . Mr . Linda u kin pecialized in helping tudent with pee h problem . Emotional prob– lem were handled by 1r . lar_ha ichol and Mr. Alan Halper, who t ted mental abiliti and per onaliti and erved a con ultant for both tud nt and faculty. Trying to suppr a grin, Joanne hapiro receive a pa s from frs. Hilda ance to go horne. r