Walt Whitman High School 1967 Yearbook (Bethesda, MD) - Full Access

English Curriculum 'Parlez-vous anglai ?" If not, the English Department'!' poken Engli h class for foreian-born tudent wa the place to learn. Another addition to the curriculum wa Ad– vanced Composition, a creati e writing course for a pirin~ author and poet . pecialized Engli h course enriched the Whitman pro– gram. With a jar of cold cream in one hand and a dangling tage prop in the other, drama tudent analyzed play~ and ab orbed acting technique . Public peaking studenL put their knowledge of oral expres ion to work a they reinforced Whitman' £oren ic and debate team . Conci e verbal expres ion wa of central concern to journali m tu– dent )aborina to produce prize-winninrr Black and White articles. All Whitmanite encountered county-required ' tructured compo ition " and reading li t . Sophomore found Cae r.r bloodily awaiting them while Junior floated down tht> Mi i ippi with Huck Finn. On fogg Engli h moor , en– ior met Heathcliff a they kirted pitfalls of Briti h lit– erature. Rapid-learner Engli~h cia e were open to junior and enior who qualified through examinations and uperior academic record . Advanced Placement enior studied Eng· li h on a colleae level. '·You mean the point of view wa the tree?" exclaim Pat athan on a she ompare her an wer with tho e of Kent Olive. "No. I don•t know what it means either, but it's a good word," bluffs Mr. Norman Schneider to his AP class. MR. JOHN C. LOUI Engli h II; Junior Tri– Hi-Y J\IR • DOROTHY MARTIN English IV Ml MONICA M. McMI DE Engli h H; Drama l, II; s embl} Commit– te; Drama Club; • a– tiona( The pian MR. U AN A. M RRAY Engli h II MR • R Tll R. IU IIIN Kl EngiL h Il; Future Teacher of America J\tR • DO ENE J\1. RICHARD pcech; Journa]Lm; choo] publicity; Black and If' !rite; Foren ic lull; Quill and croll; ~ ki lub MR. GERALD Rl CCI Engli-.h JI, lil; Junior Var~ity Football MR. OMA · CII EIDER Engli"h 1 ; hairman, Enl!li"h Department ln. JO F. VIRDEN Engli"h IV· Debate lub MR . J\1ARY J WALZ Engli h III; aga