South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access

We, the Senior Class of Nineteen Hundred and Fifty, of South Lake High School, St. Clair Shores, Michigan, having realized that we must assemble at our Alma Mater's commencement portals and bid adieu to her, wish, before we part, to make this our last will and testament. SECTION I ARTICLE I: To our beloved parents, we leave our sincerest devotion and grat– itude for their encouragement, their generosities, their self- sacrifices for real– izing our hopes. ARTICLE II: To our class advisor and sponsors we say merci beaucoup for their ever guiding hand, their fatherly advice and admonitions. ARTICLE III: To the Faculty, we bequeath our gratitude for their sacrifices, their endeavors to mold us into rightful, useful citizens. SECTION II PART I - GENERAL To the Juniors we donate our classrooms, our honorable positions, our dignified attitudes and pleasant memories. job. PART II The following valuable and personal assests are to be distributed as follows: I, Jacquelyn Armatis, will and bequeath unto Bonnie Burns, my seriousness. I, Germaine Aufterhaar, will and bequeath unto Barbara B:>rton, my quietness. I, Mary Beaudry, will and bequeath unto Sally Jones and Terry Burk, my library I, Barbara Birjkovff, will and bequeath unto Dick Arnold, my high marks. I, Jesi Blendell, will and bequeath unto Gerry Kageff, my bruises for cheerleading next year. I, Thomas Blower, will and bequeath unto Sharon, my sister, my ability to play the trumpet. I, Meredith Buerge, will and bequeath unto anyone who wants it, my job as student teacher in study hall. I Francine Carnaghi, will and bequeath unto Nancy Lee, my ability to wear blouses instead of sweaters. I William Chase, will and bequeath unto Ted Thayer, my haircut. I, Ralph Clement, will and bequeath unto Richard Miskelley, my ability to play the ukelele. I, Joan Clever, will and bequeath unto Loretta, my sister, my ability to get through high school. I, James Cunningham, will and bequeath unto the basketball team, my haircut. I, Eleanor Dale, will and bequeath unto Dede Luchtman, my ability to get to school everyday. I, Walter Decker, will and bequeath unto Don Dean, my physique. I, Shirley DeFrance, will and bequeath unto Clara Allen, my ability to get along with her sister, Shirley. I, Joan De Moore, will and bequeath unto Betty Welchko, my varsity basketball uniform. 21