South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access
I, Ernest Dyer, will and bequeath unto Ruth Vistisen, the enjoyment of Economics and Government. I, Rudy Edens, will and bequeath unto Robert Langell, my black pegs. I, Robert Erb, will and bequeath unto Ronnie Lee, all my 6 feet 2 1/2 inches. I, Barbara Goolsbee, will and bequeath unto Mr. Flogaus, my ability to leave school in 11 1/2 years. I, Tim Gregory, will and bequeath into Stanley Bean, my ability to get honorable mention on the Bi-County team. I, Leona Grice, will and bequeath unto Eddie Alexander, my hall-guard post, so he will finally have his own. I, Dorothy Hellman, will and ~equeath unto Noreen Leggett, my position as guard on the Varsity. I, Mary Holmes , will and bequeath unto Joan Farrell, my clothes. I, Marilyn Hughes, will and bequeath unto Bonnie Burns, my smile. 1, Roland Jacobson, will and bequeath unto my little brother, my job counting papers at the News paper station. I, Beverly Joslin, will and bequeath unto Lee Gelaude, my shyness. I, James Kelly, will and bequeath unto Bob Weir, my speed. 1, Mary Ann Laban, will and bequeath unto Nancy Moll, my laugh. 1, Don Lambert, will and bequeath unto anyone who wants it, my job at the Shores Theatre. 1, Virginia Lawson, will and bequeath unto Gail King, my long hair. I, George Lowande, will and bequeath unto the Freshmen, my ability to get out of high school in 3 1/2 years. I, Daryl Martin, will and bequeath unto Earl Parmalee, my ability to be put on the Bi-County league. I, Richard McLonis, will and bequeath unto Sally Turrell, my ability to pass Government. I, Bernice Moore, will and bequeath unto Eddie Holder, my ability to get engaged. 1, Harry Morrissett, will and bequeath unto Joe Stackpoole, my quietness. 1, Robert Notestine, will and bequeath unto Alberta Thornberry, my gift of gab. 1, Delores Oro, will and bequeath unto Shirley Lewis, my hair, so they will stop calling her shaggy. I, Marilyn Pare, will and bequeath unto Joanne Saelens, my basketball ability. I, Luanne Prahl, will and bequeath unto Luella Holmes, my queer imagination. I, Darlene Rennie, will and bequeath unto Jackie Jaehns, my ability to hold the interest of one boy. I, Albert Richards, will and bequeath unto Jim Medlin, my ability tp drive and make left hand turns safely. I, Mary Lou Robbins, will and bequeath unto Margie D'Haenens, my ability to get "A" absence excuses. I, Shirley Rouse, will and bequeath unto Shirley Harris, my ability to pass Government by a "B" or better. I, Burghardt Rupersburg, will and bequeath unto Sally Jones, my long name. I, Carl Schoenradt, will and bequeath unto Ronnie Lee, my size 13 shoes. I, Donna Springer, will and bequeath unto Pat Snyder, my full 71 inches . I, Rodger Stewart, will and bequeath unto Roger Poiky, my ability to resist gi~ls. 22
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