South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access

fOOTBAll 1950 When Coach Gleason sent his team on the field against Rochester last September he realized he had only two letter men, this gave the coach a bleak outlook as to the outcome of the season. However, what the squad lacked in experience, they made up in intestinal fortitude . The losses of the season were overshadowed by our victory over Lakeshore, who was tied for first place with Warren and therefore a candidate for the Bi - County League . championship . We were very proud of Daryl Martin who made the Bi – County League team, and Bob Weir and Jim Medlin who secured honorable mention. We predict next season these boys will win the Bi-County championship. We the class of 1950 wish the Coach and all the boys good luck next year. 42