South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access
BASEBAL l During the baseball season the diamond teems with youth– ful activity and zest. Every afternoon, weather permitting, finds the boys par– ticipating in the grand American pastime of baseball. Only when the high school tangles with some nearby representative nine does the din and fury of crashing bats and thumping gloves subside. Baseball has been an important adjunct to the sports program at South Lake. The team is composed of the follow– ing: G. Tucker, J. Medlin, J. Mank, L. Mawby, E. Parmalee, C. Neal, C. Schwartz, D. Dean, G. Newman, R. Miskelly, D. Diegel Much is expected of this year's team. Good Luck boys. SCHEDULE April 11 Gratiot Twp. There 24 Lakeview There 27 Lakeshore Here May 1 Warren There 4 Eastland There 8 Utica Here 11 Bi County Track Meet 15 Busch Here 18 Utica There 19 Gratiot Twp. Here 22 Busch There 46
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