South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access

6. A. A. On Tuesday and Friday afternoons the coach a nd his boys vacate the gym in favor of the girls. On these P. M. ' s the "ball" sessions take place. South Lake offers a full athletic program for each season of the year. At the beginning of the school year the girls are busy with soccer and badminton. In the winter the girls are busily engaged with basketball, the main sport Inter – scholastic competition is keen and the interest is great. In spring, once again, the girls compete with other schools for laurels in baseball. To round out the sport program, tumbling and tennis are offered. The Girls Athletic Association is the heart of the entire girls' sports program. It is a well organized club with elected officers who, at their regular meetings, plan the program and devise means for earning money. The officers are Dorothy Bellman-- President, Gloria Almond -- Vice Presi – dent, Shirley Lewis --Secretary, & Alberta Thornberry-– Treasurer. At each game and function you will find the G. A. A. mem– bers are busy selling coke, candy and potato chips. The initiation is a very colorful event : To the pledger, it is a day of uncertainty. '49 - '50 BASKETBALL SOUTH LAKE OPPONENTS 18 Roseville There 17 11 Fitzgerald There 12 32 Madison Here 25 16 Fitzgerald Here 25 28 Roseville Here 16 54 E-'l. st Detroit Here 24 Jr. Varsity 16 Fitzgerald There 13 14 Madison Here 13 19 Fitzgerald Here 17 31 Kern Rd. Here 10 48