South Lake High School 1950 Yearbook (St. Clair Shores, MI) - Full Access
Compliments of VAL 0 CORP. 2687 E. Eight Mile Road Hazel Park (Detroit), Mich. Centerline 4526 Good Luck Seniors KLARR'S KORNER 22330 Nine Mile St. Clair Shores Good Luck SHORES INSURANCE AGENCY 22202 Harper Avenue Representing America's Best Insurance Companies Place Your Want Ads In The ST. CLAIR SHORES HERALD Call Roseville 6910 Compliments of FIRST STATE BANK Mack at Nine Mile Road Servin2 South Macomb Congratulations Seniors RUSS RICHARDS AUTO PARTS Nine Mile and Harper Roseville 5958 Compliments of ST. CLAIR SHORES HARDWARE Roseville 1893 23504 Mack We Photograph Anything Anytime Anywhere ROLAND J. BERTRAND Photographer Portrait and Commercial Candid Shots of Weddings & Parties 22427 Stephens Road St. Clair Shores,
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