Central High School 1961 Yearbook (New Rockford, ND) - Full Access

MR. THORNTON MRS. STEIN MR. LARSON Yacu/Jy ?rovides 0/ucknls Jhy£er Instructing band, algebra, trigonometry, and geometry keep Donald Thornton busy summer and winter. Mr. Thornton is a graduate of Valley City State Teachers College. A new faculty member of NRHS is Connie Houfek, who teaches typing, short- hand, and journalism. Her outside activities include advising the Rocket and Dial staffs. Miss Houfek is a graduate of Concordia. Mrs. Geraldine Stein, a graduate of Valley City State Teachers College, is our choir and vocal group instructor. She also teaches English II and girls' phys. ed. Heading our home ec department for the past three years has been Doris Kirk. Miss Kirk is a grad- uate of N. D. S. U. She teaches all home ec classes, is advisor for the FHA, and supervises the planning of the Jr. -Sr. Banquet. Taking over the teach- ing duties of Mr. Foss, Brian Larson came to NRHS the second semester to teach Junior High science and math. Mr. Larson is a graduate of Mayville State Teachers College. Ray Telkamp graduated from South Dakota State College. He teaches Ag. I, II, III, and math 7. Mr. Telkamp also advises the FFA. 12 MISS HOUFEK MISS KIRK MR. TELKAMP