Douglas County High School 1974 Yearbook (Las Vegas, NV) - Full Access
30 JEFF MARSHALL National Honor Society 3; Honor Roll 2, 3, 4; Honorable Mention 1; Varsity Track 2; Block D 3,4; Boys State 3; Ad Chaser 4; Class Officer 2, 3; FHA 4; Pep Club 4; Spanish Club 2. LOEK DANSER Foreign Exchange Student 4; Basket– ball Color Guard 4; FHA 4; Office Help 4; Spanish Club 4. Foreign Exchange Student from the Netherlands. PATTI BARON Honor Roll2,3,4; G. A.A. Capt.4; Student Body Officer 4; Basketball Color Guard 4; Sweetheart Queen 3; Ad Chaser 3,4; Student Counci13,4; FHA Pres. 4; Pep Club 2,3,4; Office Help 3, 4. STEVE STRATTON Varsity Basketball 3; Golf 3, 4; Block D 3, 4; J . V. Football 1, 2; J . V. Base– ball 1, 2; J . V. Basketball 2; Alleycat Basketball 1. ) / TERRY OLSON Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Varsity Bas– ketball2,3,4; Block D 1,2,3,4; Varsity Baseball1,2,3,4; All State Basketball 3; J. V. Football 1; J. V. Basketball 1; Class Officer 2. ANN TOUSSAINT Foreign Exchange Student from Belgium 4; Basketball color guard 4; Office Help 4; Librarian 4.
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