Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

K. C. ESTABROOK Insurance- Nothing Else Health Accident Fire Automobile Hospital Life Phone 2-4057 566 O'Neil Bldg. Binghaaton, N. Y. Banquet and Party Decorations- Novelties Parker & Scheaffer Wahl Eversharp Pens COSTUMES FOR PLAYS Stationery - Office Supplies GRADUATION Gin ROYAL PORTABLE HUNGERFORD & CARD 194 WASHINGTON STREET BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK ROBINSON PHARMACY Fountain and Luncheonette Free Delivery on Purchase of $1.00 or o~er MAIN STREET & FRONT EXCHANGE STREET & HAWLEY Congratulations! CHAS. R. STRANGE, INC. "Binghamton's Oldest Shoe Store" 14 Chenango Street BATES-TROY LAUNDRY CO. We Have a Laundry Service for Every Home and Purse Phone 4-1371 151 Laur e l Avenue BUSINESS TRAINING FOR EARLY EMPLOYMENT You may prepare quickly aud at a min– imum investment for starting posi– tions in BUSINES where good pay and advancement is the rule. LOWELL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 116 Front Street A Binghamton Institution for over 80 years. --Thousands of our Graduates fill Key Positions in this Community--