Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
FRA.."'E- A...'XEL- WHEEL TRAIGHTENING PHONE T H 0 M p SON 4-1094 2S..l!7 Wa hlngton t_ IT'S BROTAN'S for Students' Apparel The kind of clothes that appeal to high school boys and girls, and make the most of family budgets-– are here in a complete selection for spring and summer wear. Use Brotan's Budget Plan --The Sensible Way To Buy! BROTAN'S 103 Court St. PRICED AS LOW AS $ 119 and your old ice box slightly more for time Only $5 Down Easy fonthly Payments Fresh Roasted Coffee Has Better Flavor NEW & TRUE COFFEE Is Roasted Fresh Daily in Binghamton Ask for it at the Independent Stares 11 Tsk, tsk, Madam– Take a tip from the GAS Refrigerator ! 11 IT STAYS Sl LENT . LASTS LONGER WE WA~T to emphasize that Electrolux, the Gas Refrigera– tor, is permanently silent ..•• because its freezing system has NO MOVING PARTS. ot only that, but-for the same reason-it's free from costly wear as well. Take a tip yourself ..• from folks who've learned from experience, and change to the silent Gas Refrigerator! * ELECTROLUX carries an unconditional 10-year guarantee! !THE GAS COMPANY!
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