Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
R. K AUF, Owner GOOD EYESIGHT IS IMPORTA T TAKE CARE OF YOUR GLAS ES THRU US AND THEY WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU We fit Glasses not only to the eyes, but to your face and character. You're sure your glasses here will not only benefit your vision but add to your appearance. We carry a complete line of optical products. Prescriptions filled. Lens replaced. Frames replaced. Frames repaired. Our prices are low. Triple Cities Optical Company NEW LOCATION 14 Court St. Dial 4-3321 APPRECIATION At the close of what we believe has been one of the mst successful yeHs of publication the PAIIORM-tA has had in some time, ~o~e should I ike to express in a SMall measure our grateful appreciation to the many persons who have worked ~o~ith us both on this ANMUAL and the current issues during the past eight months. To the follo~o~ing go our heartfelt thanks for their generous cooperation and support-: -Our advisers, Mr. Bush, Miss Carpenter, Mr. Hartman, Mr. Schuster, Hrs. Coffman and Hiss Holcomb, for the many headaches we've caused them; -The school secretaries, Hiss Jor~es, Min Hein, Hrs. Tradewell, Hiss King and Hrs. Harecek, who have helped us many times during the term to check long ltsts of names, look up home room numbers, type notices and ans~o~er countless questions: -The faculty, for aiding us illlllleasurably in our advertising and subscription campaigns: -Hr. Seeley and G. 0., for their part in our advertising; -Hiss Hiller and the Convnercial Department, for typing the achievement records of the Senior Class: -Mr. Robert Dunn of Agfa Ansco, for his donation of a camera and film, and to the other members of Agfa Ansco, who acted as judges in our beauty contest: -Betty Stocks, who, although not a member of the staff, stepped in at the last Minute to design the attractive two-color map on the front pages of this book; -The people who did the actual work of making-up and printing this ANNUAL, Hr. Foster Disinger, our photographer, and the Frank A. West Company, our printers: -Ftnally to the many individuals, clubs, organizations and sponsors whose pictures are included, for their coooerat ion with the staff and Mr. Oi singer. Sincere 1 y, The PANORAMA BOARD, 19110-' Ill
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