Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

BINGHAMTON CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL THIRD ANNUAL Christmas Festival Thursday Evening, Dece•ber 19,191JO 8:00 o'clock PROGRAM Processional 0 Co~e All ye Faithful God•Rest Ye Herry Gentle~en Solos •• • Camilla Beach COMBINED CHORUSES Recitation Christmas 1940 Contralto Solo: The Birthday of a King Annette Haulenbeck Play: "Christ111as Oest iny" A Tramp Death Life Sleep Pet Wayne Raymond Wayne A Tra111p Uncle John by Dorothy C. Allan CHARACTERS Prolo&u• and Epllosue llaln Seene John Reading 1692 Old English MiII ard Mrazek Phyllis Thompson Meidl Inger Robert Starr Donald Rubin Eleanor Fe I I er Marilyn Merchant Virginia Cole John Donovan Robert Starr Frank I in Lester T1•e: early •Jdn1&ht on Chrtat••• E•e. CAROLS Angels We Haue Heard On Hith ADVANCED CHORUS 0 Holy Night Solos •• Annette Bas•aj ian, Marce i I Dorsey COMBINED CHORUS Noel JUNIOR CHORUS Old French Ada. 01 d French The Little Town Norwegian Folk Tune Soprano Obi igato, Louise Myers Le Sommeil De L'Enfant Jesus Old French ADVANCED CHORUS Un Flambeau Fro~ Heauen High The Angels Come The Christmas Nightingale Old French 19th Century 1670 GIRLS 1 GLEE CLUB Recitation: The Christrtas Story William Luckie Lewis Redner IB68 0 Little Town of Bethlehe• Audience and Choruses Silent Night Michael Haydn, 1818 COMBINED CHORUSES Recessional It Ca~e upon the Hidnitht Clear STAFF Richard Will ia, IBSO Nr. Carl Titus Miss Mabel Squire Nr. John Brennan Nr. Ja111es McTighe Miss Keenan, Miss Houck, Miss Marini Mrs. Knight, Miss Lowry, Miss Hyland Mr. Kavanagh, Mr. Hogan Patricia Tho111as Arthur Steel, Glenn Rod11an, Richard Burk, Ja111es Case, Kenneth MacKenzie Joseph Esworthy, Ray•ond Sprtnger Director of Dramatics Director of Hustc Production Hanaeer Faculty Stage Hanaeer Faculty Superutsors Head Usher State Crew Industrial Arts