Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
WHE IT COMES TO FUR ISH G HO IE • Shop Where the Quality Is! • Shop Where the Variety Is ! • Shop Where the Value Are! THE FAIR STORE BINGHAMTON LAUNDRY Phone 2-4234 COURT A D WALL TREET STICKLEY PHOTO -sERVICE Photo Supplies- Ca•eras Cine Kodaks Corner Hawley 7 Washington Ave. & Carroll St. Endicott Binghamton TO THE FUTURE OF THE CLASS OF 1941 To '111 Girl Graduate: The un is a sourc of informa- tion on ocial, busin ss and world affairs. You will get laughter antl enjoym ut from ntertaining f atures . Its adv rtising will direct your purchases from repu- table merchants. In fact ... all these things in the un make it a part of your life. To The Boy Gr ate: Th un brings welcome news of the world. It will keep you aware of affair~ at home and abroad. You can keep in touch with the latest sporting events. Your earning ability and thinking will be key- ed to world trends. Your life will be made up in part by what you r ad in the un. THE BINGHAMTON SUN "Fint with the News"
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