Binghamton Central High School 1941 Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

TO JUNE GRADUATES Your first weeks of job hunting will bring home to you the t.portance of specialized training in a specific field . Often the lack of such training means the difference between a good job wit.h a definite future, and a non- descript. job leading nowhere . For this reason you are urged to investigate a vocational course offering exactly the kind of "polishing off" training needed for success- ful entrance into the business world. B. B. l . would like you to read two short, interesting articles on this subject . They are titled, "The World Owes Me A Living,• and "What Will You Be Doing One Year Froa Today?" Send your naae and address; they will coae to you at once without cost or obligation. ew B. B. I. Classes start July 7, September 2 &: 9 Enrollaent Books are now open. BINGHAMTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE ON THE BEAUTIFUL CHENANGO RIVER Phone 4-2791 163 Front Street Binghamton HENRY'S Bi nghamton's Leading Jewelers and Opticians Just Say "Charge it" 29 Court Street Binghamton, • Y. Complete Radio and Record De- partment Personal Stat ionery Graduat ion Cards Printed- Eng r aved- P r ocessed BEN JOGGERST 116 State Street Opposite isson's Congratulations and Best Wishes TO TH[ CLASS of 1941 Community Coffee Shop Bmghamlon'I Beamift~l ReJiat~ranl