Chenango Forks High School 1967 Yearbook (Chenango Forks, NY) - Full Access

After m1ss1ng his first shot, kip Thorndike attempts to make good his second foul shot. Junior High Basketball Jerry Hartman reaches out in an attempt to steal the ball from a Newark Valley Cardinal. Fint Rou•: T. Tiller, M. Barnes, G . Beach, R. imonds. Row 2: R. Right– meyer, E. Campbell, C. Walker, T. Martin, R. Waddell, R. Carver. Row 3: Coach Jester, A. Thorndike, ]. Miller, G. Rittenburg, F. Champion, J. Hartman, G. Bennett, H. V-olkert, R. Reid. During halftime, Mr. Regalis outlines stmtegy for the upcoming period. 101