Chenango Forks High School 1967 Yearbook (Chenango Forks, NY) - Full Access
Student Council this year has operated under the able leadership of president Paul Ferraro and vice-president Dan Terry, with valuable assistance from secretary Diane Zacharias and treasurer Kathy Lynch. This traditional organization has continued to offer the students of our school considerable experience in self-government. This year the Council made an attempt to revitalize itself by revising and bringing up to date its constitution. Among the many worthwhile activities in which Council engages outside of its own chambers are such things as the Christmas baskets and clothing drives, as wel1 as other charitable and useful projects. Through such projects and its many other activities, the Student Council plays an important role in our school. Row 1-D. Berti, G. Cary, D. Bowie. Row 2- J. Warren, S. Kozik, D. Cola, J. Barnhill. Row 3-F. Champion, C. Camp, C. Lundon, E. Edmondson, S. No– walk, G. Eikenberry. "I move that the meeting be adjourned." 55
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