Chenango Forks High School 1967 Yearbook (Chenango Forks, NY) - Full Access
Varsity Club The most equal jump– shot of the night. Go, Bert Lawrence, go! The Varsity Club is composed of the students who have earned a varsity letter in sports or other extracurricular activities. The members this year have served as hall monitors and have raised funds for sports equipment. They also sponsored this year's basketball game between our faculty and the Harlem Astronauts. Ruu 1: R. Housekneckt, ). abme, ). Gould, . Hawk, R .Hurlburt. D . Zacharias, M. Bain, M. Ho,·ancik, . Root. Row 2: M. Wormuth, P. Ferraro, W . Ruppert, D . Thorndike, H . Green, R. Rittenourg, ). Bobier, C. Ga}'nor. Rou· 3: L Garcia, R. farch, R. Lord, L. Woodruff, R. Brown, D. Haskell, D . Ellis, T. Fragomeni, F. Fragomeni. Row 4: D. E\'ans, L. Brown, D . Pierson, R. Gale, D. Heath, . Brown, G. Gifford, D . Nitta, R. Perkins. 65
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