Chenango Forks High School 1984 Yearbook (Chenango Bridge, NY) - Full Access
Bottom: Li a VanValkenburgh, Barb Gebo, Li a Richard , Connie Bergmann Tina Barber, Vicki mith, tacie tout, Vick Markham, orinne Lilley, Julie Mofitt, Michelle Lockwood, Jennie rnold, Lori Wi er. Middle: Tina Root, Kim Mercincavage, Patty Galant, Deb nzalone, Tina George, Carol Anzalone, Tricia Hutchin on. Top: hri Woodruff her I Freije, Penny McHale, Li a Mercincavage, Wendy Taylor, Michelle Regali , Amy Cole, Meli a Robert , Debi laflin, Kim Grimaldi Jolene Matia . Penny McHale get to the ball fir t and head it toward the goal. Michele Regali ucce fully cut off an oppo - ing player. Girls' Soccer Patty Galant and a Hor ehead pia er fierce– ( waltz for control of the ball. 115
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