Deposit High School 1956 Yearbook (Deposit, NY) - Guest Access

W . th cla s of '56. proudly d dicat this dition of D.C.H.S. A orn to our cla s advi or, Mr. Donald Mtll– ward. Mr. Millward will b r memb red for his nthusiasm and ambition in all our activiti • for his un nding f– forts and id as to mak our class on not to b forgott n. but mo t of all for his day-by-day fri ndlin ss and pati nc throughout our high school y ars. N v r could w r pay th tim and und rstanding w ow you, but in our small way this d dication i trymg to say. "Thank you. Mr. Millward." D ElDiaf;I'JllOU