Deposit High School 1970 Yearbook (Deposit, NY) - Guest Access

MR. STANLEY E. ELINSKY Mr. Stanley E. Elinsky has been our class advi– sor for the past two years. He took over when we needed him the most and helped us reach our goals, that never would have been achieved without his push from behind. It is withgreat p1e asu r e that we, the Class of 1970 dedicate this yearbook to you, Mr. Elinsky. MRS. MARGARET R. LYNCH Mrs. MargaretR. Lynchhas been ahistory teach– er at Deposit Central School for the past 39 years. She hashelped us realize theproblems of society. Shewas never satisfiedwith justfacts; she delved beneath the surface to reveal to us the background. We'll never forget all the his– tory we've learned, and so, it is in your honor that we, the class of 1970, also dedicate this yearbook to you, Mrs. Lynch. THE CLASS OF 1970