Deposit High School 1971 Yearbook (Deposit, NY) - Full Access

Varsity Track ROW 1: G. Moore, K. Conway, T. Rosello, D. Moore., B. Kopynec, M. Ryan. ROW 2: S. Seymour, G. Stanton, B. Rynearson, Mang-P. Hathaway, B. Warner. ROW 3: B. Brower, D. Sandell, S. Hathaway, H. Knapp, D. Doyle. ABSENT: J. Hathaway. Due to a small team and the absence of upperclassmen, this season was not very suc– cessful. Two bright spots during the season were new school records set by Don Sandell in the pole vault at 11 '6" , and Gary Stanton in the shotput at 46 '8".