Susquehanna Valley High School 1963 Yearbook (Conklin, NY) - Full Access
Main Office Assistants FIRST ROW - 1. tor.: Francine Ferrante, Susan Harder, Marcia Whiting, Dianne White. SECOND ROW: David Copeland, Gary Woodruff, Dennis Eleftheratos. The Information Desk is composed of students who run errands and provide information for the visitors at our school. The Main Office Assistants are com– prised of students who answer the phone and take messages. Through their services, they save time for the Administration. Information Desk FIRST ROW - 1. tor.: Cindy Roby, Joyce Moore, Jeri Dunham, Linda Coleman. SECOND ROW: Jannette Appleman, Sue Creery, (absent Dale Connor) 96
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