Susquehanna Valley High School 1963 Yearbook (Conklin, NY) - Full Access

Guidance Office Assistants FIRST ROW - left to right: Joanne Kovarik, Bette Lawrence, Marie Palmer. SECOND ROW: Kathy Joy, Jannette Appleman, Dale Connor. Absent: Anne Goodsite, Nancy Kasmarcik, Joan Williams. The Clinic Assistants are comprised of girls who aid the school nurse in her office. The Guidance Assistants help the Guidance Counselors with filing, running errands and performing other services. They are very important to the Administration because of the services they perform. Clinic Assistants FIRST ROW - left to right: Mary Gregory, Judy Gardner, Linda Dedrick, Margaret Shroat, Linda Gritman, Nancy Smith, Susanne Kadlecik, Nancy Brooks. SECOND ROW: Patricia Merril, Judy Whitaker, Carol Palmer, Elaine Hendrickson, Elaine Andrews, Carolyn Swan, Susan Webb. THIRD ROW: Princess Canfield, Sharon Snow, Margaret Stone, Mary Hawk, Linda Hoover, Sue Creery, Carolyn Dix. FOURTH ROW: Barbara Anderson, Linda Dare, Dawn Mitchell, Brenda Andrews, Patricia Miller, Dawn Joy. Absent: Eileen Htmter, Virginia Stanton, Linda Clapper, Linda Brant. 97