Susquehanna Valley High School 1963 Yearbook (Conklin, NY) - Full Access
RA 4-4374 COSTAS FLOWERS & GIFTS LOUIS COSTAS Corner Vestal and Mitchell Aves. Binghamton, N. Y. Phone 4-6028 Compliments of HESSE'S HORN SHOP Johnson City N.Y. Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Serviced SUBURBAN SANITARY SERVICE GORDON HOOVER Owner and Operator topsoil and backhoe work Kirkwood, N. Y. Phone 7 23-40 21 Reasonable Guaranteed RED'S BODY SHOP Quality Work Just South of Wilmarth and Gulino Route 11, Kirkwood, New York Our Prebound Children 1 s Books . look better . last longer cost less CHARLES M . GARDNER COMPANY Scranton, Pa. Known for Fast, Friendly Reliable Service.
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