Susquehanna Valley High School 1963 Yearbook (Conklin, NY) - Full Access
VOSBURY'S TEXACO 560 Conklin Road PAUL VOSBURY, Prop . RA 4-9804 NEVILLE TRUCK & TRAILER SERVICE at the city line - Rt. 7 5 63 Conklin Ave. Binghamton, New York Truck Refrigeration Service RA 2-7107 RA 2-9779 RIVERSIDE DAIRY BAR Lunches - Ho-Made Ice Cream Milk - All Dairy Products J . R YCHLEWSKI, Prop. Kirkwoo d , N. Y. Compliments of Phone RA 2-8881 - RA 4-5047 DIIRI.I ~4SIICUH. ~61H~~ dfC"m..L. ~ •••avwm•n _,_, FROBEL & ELLIS CO. Roofing - Siding - Remodeling 639 Conklin Rd. - MR 95 Binghamton, N. Y.
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