Union Endicott High School 1976 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Band activities for the 1975 school year had a rousing beginning in August with a successfu I week at a new band camp at the top of the Poconos. The largest marching band in UE High School history enjoyed the new surroundings of Sno-Hi II Camp at Lake Como 1 Pennsylvania. The Showband sported their spectacular new uniforms and stadium capes for the first time at the BC Open Fest iva I. The second appearance of the band was at the pre-season Hobart College-Cortland State football game, also held in Ty Cobb Stadium. In addition to the marching band's performance at both home and away football games, "The Pride" traveled all night by chartered bus to win a tight race with the clock at the University of Maryland Band Day Competition in early October. The band was greeted by severa I hundred proud parents on their return from Maryland and performed their winning show the following .rveek to an nverflow Bandorama audience. The footba II season ended with the usua I exciting rivalry of the 11 8ig gamen and performance at Vesta I. In the same weekend 1 band members traveled to Buffalo for their fifth consecutive NFL appearance. The band performed its famous circle dri II to 80,000 enthusiastic fans. The Vet– eran• s Day Parade and the Endicott Chri tmas Parade brought the ma ching season to a fitting climax. LEFT: Marene Jamerson shows her emotion near the end of the last time she marches as part of ''The Pride." ABOVE: Amy Joslin removes her hat for a we 11-earned rest after an out– standing performance. Activities/14 9