Union Endicott High School 1976 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Kay Club Has First Full Year Of Service BELOW: Ellen Crooks is an at– tentive member of Kay Club. CENTER: Beth Buchinsky looks happy as she leaves the meeting. RIGHT: Holly Ardell and Nancy Scotcher I ook careful Iy at the plans for upcoming activities. The Kay Club is a newly formed all-girl organization. It is offi– cially recognized and sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Endicott. Its accomplishments inc Iude hos– tessing for the Arena '75, baby– sitting at the BC Open, bidrun– ning at the Auction 46 and hos– tessi ng for the Town Meeting '76 held at UE in November. Be– fore Christmas, the Kay Club had a bake sale to raise money for flower arrangements to be sent to the Wi II ow Point Nursing Home. Spring projects include the Arena '76, hostessing for Kiwanis' fiftieth anniversary and once again the BC Open. 1 74/Activities ROW l: Denise Dunham, Tammy Weston, Cindy Warren, Diane Haight. ROW 2: Kathy Warren, Kris Kushner, Linda Coe, Ellen Crooks, Amy Joslin, Jenny Colapietro, Sandy Hartung, Sally Boet– tger. ROW 3: Laurie Broadbent, Laurie Bates, Beth Buchi nsky, Jeanine Vetrano, Denise Williams, Michele Camadella, Marene Jamerson, Jennifer Bates. ROW 4: Kim Shoemaker, Nancy Vincent, Mel Zemberi, Kathy Buran, Alexis Alexander, Carol Hutchinson, Nancy Scotcher, Dana Chadwick, Bernadette Drankoski, Sue Ben– nett, Lori Broker. IN MIDDLE: Jan Burcak. ON TOP: President: Cindy Cowan.