Union Endicott High School 1976 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access

Freshman Basketball ROW 1: Tom Burcak, Dan Chivalov, Coach Tchir, Bob Ben– nett, Tim Williams, ROW 2: Greg Ulsh, Mike Mastro, Bill Kellogg. ROW 3: Chris Gance, Dan Wall, Jake Rounds. ROW 4: Mark Zechman, Tom Knight. ROW 1: Jeff Hill, Dave Derner, Jon Davies. ROW 2: Chris Angeline, Kevin Lane, Mark Moyer, Coach Stocum. ROW 3: Joe Spa Iik, Scott Fl ipse, Ed Dailey, ROW 4: George Mar– tone, Tom Leskow. The UE Freshman Basketball pro– gram was very successful for the 1975-1976 season. The UE Black team under Coach Stocum finished with a record of 10 wins and 4 losses, while the UE Orange team under Coach Tchir finished with a record of 9 wins and 5 Iosses. The main objective of the freshman program is the eventual development of varsity basketball players. This goal is many faceted, including the development of indiv– idual players, the molding ot these individuals into a team, pride in UE basketball, and total dedica– tion to the objectives of the pro– gram through discipline and hard work. Because of the success of this program and the high caliber of player involved, UE can look forward to many more years of win– ning basketball. 241/Athl etics