Windsor High School 1986 Yearbook (Windsor, NY) - Full Access

WINDSOR 1986 SENIOR INDEX KEVIN ANDERSON 1..00-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES cross counrry, rrock. bowbng, Norionol Honor Sociery GINA ANGELLO (Ang , Marie, Jean) 7 ...:J0-68 PLANS A career in criminal JJSfiee ofrer four years of college ACTNITIES N VolleyboU, maperre for high school bond for five years. prom commrree, 5enl0f Sreerang Commr ree. VOfSity Foorboll cheerleader. VarSity Ooskerboll cheer1eoder JEFFREY ANGEVINE (Ang) 12-4-67 PLANS college. college foorbol ACTIVITIES foorbol wresring. rrock, VarSity Oub DERWOOD ARNOLD (Jr.) 8-20-67 PLANS work, college LYNDA AXTELL (Lovely) 10-20-67 PLANS 0 CC. rhen rronsfer ro a four year college ACTNITIES field hockey, volleybol , sofrbon, yearbook sroff Gr1s VarSity Club. and DOCES (animal core) WENDY OACKO (Shal~e) 10-a-68 PLANS college ACTNITIES field hockey, boskerbon RYAN OADGER ([)edge) 7--31-68 PLANS college or SUNY-Ouffolo. mojonng n chemi– cal engneenng ACTIVITES Noriono Honor Society, Senior Closs VKe Presi· denr. Senior Sreemg Commrree JOSEPH OARTON 81-67 PLANS butlder, corpenrry STEPHEN OARTON (l)uzz) 10-8-68 PLANS college ACTMTES. bowkng, bosebol. rrock KELLY OAXTER (Kel) J25-68 PLANS orrend college for pharmacy, w1rh a mnor in donee and choreography ACTIVITIES: cheerleod1ng, Senior Closs Presidenr. floor com– m1rrees, prom commrree, Srudef;r Council TODD OAXTER 12-19-67 PLANS college ACTNITIES foorboll. rrock. Ooys VorSiry Club VIKI OEEI<;MAN 11-6-68 PLANS. mornoge. work ACTivmES Child Core DOCES GARY OLEWETT 1-4-68 PLANS work pcunrng cars ACTNITIES rrock LORAINE OODE (Lori, Oodine) 5-JI'i-68 PLANS colege for pharmacy ACTlVITIES VarSity Club, VarSity Track. rang commrree. floor comm1rree, sroge aew-seniOf ploy and musicals, Sru denr Council PETER OODNAR (Petie, Crazy Pere) 5--4-68 PLANS college or 0 CC . rronsfer for compurer soence ACTNITIES cross counrry, rrock. volleybol ALEXANDER OORCYK (Cochise) 6-21-68 PLANS college for bio-chemsrry ACTIVITIES VarSiry Cross Counrry, rrock. mUSICal CHRISTINE ORECHI<;O (Chris) 5-27-68 PLANS orrend colege ro become a fl.egiSfered Nurse ACTNITIES VarSity Cross Counrry. mUSICals, Marching Oond, VarSity Oub, Srudenr Cound. prom commrree TODD OREW (l)oo-Oear) 10-Q-68 PLAN college ACTIVITIES foorboll, boskerbol GRANT DRIGGS (l)riggsie) 1-14-68 PLANS Groduo~Knl DAWN ORONSON 4-27-68 PLANS college or SUNY-Geneseo ACTNITIES N Sofrbol, V0r51ry SofrboD. VarSiry Tennis, prom commrree, floor comm11ree. yearbook sroff, Drama Oub ORlAN OROWN (l)rownie) 6-28-68 PLANS ro own mechanic buSiness ACTNITIES N Foorbo GARY OUCKLAND (Vicious Oucl~) 12-15<>7 PLANS college for eng1neer1ng ACTIVITIES VOfSiry Cross Counrry, rrock, volleybol. Ooys VarSity Club, Krvghr Life sroff MICHAEL OUSH (Mil~e) 4 27-68 PLANS work ACTNITIES DOCES GINA CALISI (Colis) 0-21-68 PLANS college, "Uvng bfe ro rhe tunesr!" ACTNITIES. cheerleod1ng, Norionol Honor Sociery CHRISTOPHER CARLSON (Chris) 19-68 PLANS college. Navy ptlor ACTIVITIES. VorSiry Cross Counrry, rrock. rech1e KIM CARNER 8--31-68 PLANS orrend Em 1:\lble lnsnrure ACTNITIES boseboll CHERYL CARROLL 4 15-68 PLANS orrend UrwerSity of Norrh Carolina or Wilmngron ACTIVITIES JV F.eld Hocl~ey, boskerboU, sofrboD Vor51ry Field Hockey CHARLES CASS (Charlie) 11-7-66 CARRI CHASE J-11-68 PLANS college ro become courr reporrer ACTIVITIES work 1n nurse's offKe and ma1n offKe JAMES CHESI<;O (Oill-jo Jim Oob Francis James Erwin Jr.) 5-17-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES N Track , N Foorboll, VarSity Golf, 10M co-op. Ooys VOrSity Oub OILL COGSHALL (Cog) 1026-66 ACTIVITIES wresrllng SUE COLEMAN (Sue Who) 10-2168 PLANS f1ve years of college ACTIVITIES N Field Hockey, VorSiry Foorboll and Ooskerbol Cheerleodang, Mock Tnol, Krvghr Life sroff ANNE COLPITTS (Anne, Annie C.) 8-1-68 PLANS college for elemenrory educo:10n or second ory educorlon ACTIVITIES. JV Field Hod~ey, N Sofrboll, Vor51ry Oowing. VarSity Club. floor commrree THOMAS CONFER (Conroy, T.C) Q29-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES foorbol, boseboU, boskerbol, VarSity Club THOMAS CONNELLY 11-16-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES VarSity Cross Counrry, rrock, JV Foorboll KIMOERLY COOLEY (l)o, Kim, Kimmy, Kimber) 8 22-68 PLANS college low school ACTIVITIES yearbook. colorguord, sroge rechn100n