Windsor High School 1986 Yearbook (Windsor, NY) - Full Access
LAU~IE SHAW 10 12-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES bond colorguord, winrerguord, prom commtrree LAU~A SHEA~ (Lola) 5-5--68 PLANS: college, work ACTIVITIES Nor100ol Honor Sooery PENNY SHEDD (Me2) 8 2067 PLANS work, marnoge or college or F1f19er Lol~es ACTIVITIES: Vorsiry Cross-Counrry, srors for bosl~erboll and volleyball, OOCES Hornculrure Program 2 years, G.rls Vor!Wry Club, prom commirtee ~ICHA~D SI'\INNE~ Cf\icl~) 700-68 PLANS worl~ TAMMY SLACI'\ (Siocl.c;er) 8·J 68 PLANS college or Penn Srore for genettc eng•neenng ACTIVITIES: Football Cheer eoding and CcrCopro•n. Vor!Wry Ooskerbol:, Vor!Wry Track, Nor10001 Honor Sooery Pre51denr, Vor!Wry Club Presidenr, Srudenr Cound AMY SMITH (Smitty) 6-27-68 PLANS four year college, "Oe a Woman of rhe 80's" ACTIVITIES Vor!Wry Tenn•s. J V and Vo~ry Volleyball, Vorsi ry Track, Srudenr Cound, Nor10001 Honor Soctery, year· book, prom commtrree. floor commrree, Vor!Wry Club. Knighr Ufe sroff 1'\ELLEY SMITH (Smitty) 4 468 PLANS college ro be a mediCal secrerory ACTIVITIES· bond, prom commrree SUZETTE SQUI~ES (Pony) 9-6-67 LEE STANTON 12.01-67 PLANS opprenrtCeshtp tn plumbing and hearing, srorr own bustnes.s ACTIVITIES. OOCES (2 years) plumbing and heanng, corpen rry, elecrrtCol w•rll19 GE~ALD ST A~LEY CTom) 4 15-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES· Vor!Wry Golf, Vor!Wry Trod~. JV Foorboll, Norian<., Honor Sooery, Vor!Wry Club MICHELLE S TEOOINS (Micl~i, Mime) 10 29 68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES VorStry Sotrbon. Vor!Wry Fteld Hockey, Vorsiry Cross Counrry, Vor!Wty Ooskerbol, JV Oosl~erbon, JV Field Hockey, Vor51ry Club, Srudenr Counol PAT~ICK STETSON (Pot) 9· 25--68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES sroge crew and lighring for spnng musical, rwo !Wenior ploys JOHN STEVENS 4 2-68 PLANS o•rline pilar ACTIVITIES foorbol. baseball, boskerboll, wresrling, Vor!Wry Club JAMEY SULLIVAN 9 20-67 PLANS. college, marriage ACTIVITIES JV Foorbon SUSAN SUPPON 4·22-68 PLANS nursing ACTIVITIES Oond Colorguord Coprotn STEVEN SU~ VILLA (Sreve) ~·19-67 PLANS college ACTIVITES· Nor•onol Honor Sooery JEFFE~ Y SZA~EJKO CP.ohe) 10 22 68 PLANS college for four years, secondary marh reacher ACTIVrTIES foorboU, volleybol, bosebol, senior ploy, C(X)j) program LAU~IE TAMOLYN (T ombolsl.c;i) 61J-68 PLANS work, college. marnoge KELLY JO VANZANDT (Kelly, K.J.) 116-66 PLANS. school for perform•ng orrs, wo~ ACTIVITIES Vor!Wry Track, Oroome Counry Chorus, Area AII– Srore Chorus, chorus, !WeniOf ploys, sprtng musicals, Vor!Wry Club, Vor!Wry Ooskerboll, Krtighr Life sroff WENDELL WAGSTAFF (Wag) 6-11-68 PLANS low enforcemenr fteld CH~ISTINE WALTE~S (Chris) 89-68 PLANS business school. marnoge ANNETTE WANSA~T (Netter) 715--68 PLANS college, marriage, "Oe a Woman of rhe 80's" ' ACTIVITIES volleyboO, field hockey, Vor!Wry Club, Knighr Life sroff O~IAN WA~NE~ (Wornsy, Wiener) 10.JO 68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES: foorboU, rrock, Vor!Wry Club, Nor1000l Honor Sooery ~ICHA~D WAYMAN Cf\ich) 2·9-68 PLANS college ACTIVITlES: Nor1000l Honor Sooery KATE WEINGA~TNE~ 9-6-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES JV Field Hockey, JV Ooskerbol, JV OoskerboU Cheerleader. Vorsiry Sofrboll, Vorsiry Fteld Hockey, Vor!Wry Ooskerboll Cheerleader, Srudenr Counol MICHAEL WESCOTT (The Oig Cheese) 1().1-66 PLANS work tn a resrouronr TIMOTHY WEST CT.W., Wesrie, Dinger) 7 2-65 PLANS college ACTIVITIES foorbol, wresrling, volleyball DENNIS WHEELOCK (Wheels, Oill) 7-22-68 PLANS working ACTIVITIES foorbon. rrock, drawing O~UCE WHITE 1.J0-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES Vor!Wry TenniS. Vorsiry Track, Vor!Wry FoorboD, JV Football, Nor10001 Honor Soctery, 5enl0f Sreertng Com– m.rree, Ooys Var!Wry Club SUSAN WILLIAMS (Sue, Susie) 4-4-68 PLANS college ACTIVITlES JV and Vor!Wry Ooskerbol, floor commrree, prom commrree CYNTHIA WILLIS (Picl~le, Cindy) 6-28-68 PLANS work, marnoge ACTIVITIES Senior Chorus, Area AD·Srore, Knighr Life sroff AMY WILLSON (Amos, Olondie) 12-9-67 PLANS college ACTIVrTIES work tn GuiCionce Office LISA WILSON (peers-a-leers) 11-5--68 PLANS President of Umed Srores, bro•n surgeon 0~ YAN WITOECI'\ 4-22-68 PLANS manager of a Grear AmeriCan ACTIVITIES volleyball JAMES WO~DEN Cf\obby) 11-11-68 PLANS AmeriCan Former ACTIVITIES Norionol Honor Sociery KATHLEEN WYLIE (Squish, Waldo, Wylieno) ~25--68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES !Wenior ploy, sprtng musicals. Mock Trial, floor comm.rree NICHOLAS ZAI'\~AJSEK (Zol.c;, Nicl~) 10·11-68 PLANS college ACTIVITIES Vor!Wry Foorboll, wresrling, rrock. volleybol, Sru· denr Council, Var!Wry Club, 5e010f Sreer1119 Commrree lnformarion Nor A vailoble Jeffrey Friends Cindy Green Dav1d Koppler Jomes Sronley 111
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