Windsor High School 1986 Yearbook (Windsor, NY) - Full Access
OJr Japanese friends n fronr of rhe New York skyline Comero bugs Keiko ond H!ro. "01 rhe rood ogon" The Japanese Srudenr Exchange Program berween Windsor ondKochi High School is now in irs' sixrh year. In 1985, seven girls ond rhree boys from Kochi, Jopan, wirh rheir reacher, Mr Moedo, spenr rhree weeks in Windsor. Wh1Ye here, rhey ond rheir Windsor hosrs rrovelled ro Niogoro Foils, Philadelphia, Droome Communiry College ond D. 0. C.£.5. The Japanese srudenrs enjoyed American food (Iars of ir!), The MusK Man, Midnighr Dowling, ice cream, ice cream ond ice cream. Windsor ond Japanese srudenrs become close friends during rhe shorr visir. Dif– ferences in longuoge ore no barrier when young people hove rhe opporrun1ry ro shore fun ond friendship. Yulro ond Nark> ore reody for Niogoro Fols 119
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