Windsor High School 1986 Yearbook (Windsor, NY) - Full Access
@0~lr~O~lr [L~£@~~~ The Superinrendenr and members of rhe DOE rol-fe pride and sorisfocrion in promoting quoliry educorion for all Windsor srudenrs Supporr for rheir efforts comes from on ex– cellent sroff of disrricr employees, who rol'fe equal pride 1n o fine school sysrem. Donald DaVIS, lJuslness Execunve Alberr Plouffe, 5upennrendenr Paul Wh'lson. Admirllsrrawe Asststanr DOANJ OF EDUCATION Seared Pamelo Shiel, George Safranek, Doord Presidenr, Karhy Kniffen, Srond~ng Wolrer Zevorek, James Dnver, Mlchael Drechko, Mlchael Egan
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