f?()R.S4 Perhaps it will be pleasing to remember these things. EMORIES of the past recall the happy and the sad, the new and the old, the trivial and the serious. During our formative years at the Academy, many of us first encountered these contrasts which we shall so often meet in our adult lives. We felt the joy of victory and the agony of defeat. We took pleasure in our modern school and preserved our old traditions. Most important, we learned to know ourselves as well as others. The class of 1966 proudly presents the memories of this year in the E.F.A. Torch. In flipping through the pages of this yearbook, perhaps it will be pleasing for you to remember the e things. 3 ADMINISTRATION page 8 SENIORS page 22 UNDERCLASSMEN page 62 page 80 STUDENT LIFE page 124
In School--Around School This group of students approaches the student lobby from the north. Caravans also come drowsily from the south in the early morning. 4 This railing provides a good view for study hall dodgers.
Dedication HE students and faculty of E.F.A. have been fortunate to have the services of Miss Grace E. Miller. Miss Miller has skillfully used her broad educational and cultural foundations, exciting world-wide travel experiences, and outstanding ability in classroom communication in her teaching at the Aeadem y. These are just some of the qualities that have made her a prototype of the great teach~ ~~ f1~ y Miss Miller corrects another bottomless pile of compositions. 5 Grace E. Miller Through her English 3 classes, our dedicatee has enriched the lives of her students with maturity and understanding as well as with factual knowledge. It is for these reasons that we, the staff of the 1966 TORCH, proudly dedicate this book to a truly great teacher, Mis Grace E. Miller. We are sure that Miss Miller will enjoy a long, rich, and rewarding retirement.
GRATES PERSOLVERE DIGNAS NON OPIS EST NOSTRAE. It is not within our power to render fitting thanks. OuR TEACHERS have made smooth for us that rough stretch of life marked by formal education. They have contributed instruction, guidance, and understanding in the classroom. But, as Henry B. Adams said- "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." ADMINISTRATION 6
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