Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
A SCENE from Miss Downer's 6th period Public peaking Class. DD10 TR TI G THEIR FIELD are the teachers of the Am. Left to Right: Mi Carol Downey, 1i Grace Le ter and Mr. C. Ricbard Rboades. Tho e with talent (and tho e without) find a with Mi Downey in the dramatics department, chance to explore the world behind the footlights while Mi s Lester introduce them to art and Mr. Rhoades to mu ic. tlte ~acultv ~ook E>ver Citizen hip Education cia e tudy hi tory, geography and current problem of the world and United tate . Teacher and their cia e are Mr . IT' REPORT C RO DAY in Mr. Wheeler's Cit. Ed. 12 Class! Herman, fre hmen; Mr. Bilek, fre hrnen, sopho– more , and junior and Mr. Wheeler, junior and eniors. CITIZE HIP EOUC TIO DEPARTMENT meets in the room of the department head, Mr. Wheeler.
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