Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access

(14) STUDENT COUNCIL MEETING on a Monday in the faculty cafeteria to discuss student affairs are: Front Row, left to right: J. Varley, S. Todd, J. Ashley, P. Lane, R. Snyder, F. Kirchenheiter, A. Mason, R. Marshall, C. Trivelpiece, A. LaMontagne, Mrs. Butte], B. Bourke, E. Soper, R. Schneider. Second Row: P. Lewis, H. Ebeling, F. Shawl, L. Dietrich, T. Taylor, ]. Coward, P. Barkley, 1. Dopp, T. Emerick, W. Carpenter, J. Barkley, N. Hand, F. Staniec, A. Hutchins, R. Raker, C. Woodworth. STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS are: Left to Right: Dick Mar hall, president; Anne Mason, vice president; Carol Trivelpiece, recording Sec– retary; Fred Kirschenheiter, treasurer; Audrey LaMontagne, corresponding secretary. The student government group, Student Coun– cil, was as usual, very active this year. They spon– sored an American Field Service student, for whom they raised money with the annual Showboat fea– turing the teachers' program complete with secret theme. A fund was established for students who need money in order to take part in the American Field Service program which sends students to European Countries. Student Council continued to support its war orphan, Myoung Won, as it has for the last few year . Among its other projects, the council spon– sored free dances after home basketball games, several mixers, and the annual Cabaret Dance. Something new in the money-making field for F-M was a Penny Carnival at which various organiza– tions sponsored booth . The organizations con– nected with the Carnival made money, and every- one who went "had a balL"