Fayetteville Manlius High School 1956 Yearbook (Fayetteville, NY) - Full Access
TUR ED ROU D FOR THEIR PI TURE i homeroom 302. Front Row, left to right: B. tillman, J. Bullo k, B. Inglis, . LOIH', • chat, R. cott, F. Fish, . mith. , econd Row: L. oule, R. Bachelor, P. tephen , R. tager, \l. DeLong, K. "ift, F. Taylor, J. Tippy. Third Row: ]. Thompson, \I. Thompson, K. Truszc) n ki, C. Tutti , :\1. Gridley, Judy arley, G. rooman. Fourth Row: P. t. Hilaire, T. hayler, A. William., G. Wood· worth, J. Ziemba, J. arley. Fifth Row: D. Wallace, B. Ward, T. Wa.' I, :\1. WiL on, . Wood. tanding: Mi D nni on. \1E lORE TR GE PR D T OF I~ITIATIO . WH T RIOT! :\LR . HER:\1.-\ telling her class to be good. Front Row, left to right: P. Dougherty, D. Flatt, \1r.. Herman, . Denman, G. Ellefson, J. Daily.• econd Row: \l. Drake, E. Gaffey, F. Fi h, J. Fergu on, D. Doubleday, W. Feidt. Third Row: \1. Game, l\L Fulmer, A. Fuller, P. Dunn, D. Fudge. Fulmer, . Fuller, P. Dunn, D. Fudge. Fourth RoUI: B Grant, :\1. Gordon, J. Good· fellow, \1. Goode, H. Ebeling, D. Haggett. Fifth Row: i\1. Ha('kett, D. uHin, D. Guild, . Gladden, B. deZeeuw. • 'ixth RoUI: Jud> Hale, John Hale, A. Hale, K. Grif£in, C. Duguid. (21)
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